Breaking Frontiers in Robotic Surgery

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (CRSA) I am excited to invite you to the 14th annual World Congress of
Robotic Surgery to be held in Chicago, Illinois September 15-16,2023. The program committee has put together a fantastic program
to highlight the most recent advances in clinical robotic surgery and technologic developments. One of the themes of the congress
with be how to advance our clinical mission through education ofthe next generation of robotic surgeons. There will also be exciting
unedited videos and complex robotics cases to learn from and interact with the international leaders in robotic surgery. There will
also be sessions on new technologies and disease specific sessions. Will notable Keynote Lectures, it will certainly be a meeting you cannot afford to miss.
The CRSA is excited to be back home in Chicago, and the meeting will be at the wonderful Hyatt Centric Chicago Magnificent Mile. September is a great time to visit the Windy City and enjoy many of its attractions beyond Michigan Avenue. Consider taking in the Architecture River Cruise, visiting the Art Institute of Chicago or the Field Museum, the observation deck at the Hancock or Willis Center,
stroll in Millennium Park, or a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. With many great restaurants and nightlife in the city there will be plenty of extracurricular activities beyond the meeting. The program will be exciting, and you will be able to share your best abstracts, videos and research with experts from across the globe. Robotics is the future of surgery, and you will all want to be part
of this surgical revolution.
Look forward to sharing the experience with you in Chicago.
Yours Sincerely,
Matthew Walsh
CRSA President
Informazioni generali
CRSA 2023 Abstract Topics
Complex Case
Experimental Research
New Tools
Technological Innovation
Single Port / Single site
Surgical Simulation, Training and Credentialing
Upper GI
Matthew Walsh
Cleveland, USA
Yuman Fong
Vice President
Duarte, USA
Konstantinos Konstantinidis
President Elect
Athens, Greece
Eren Berber
Cleveland, USA
John B. Martinie
Charlotte, USA
Paolo Pietro Bianchi
Board Executive Member
Milan, Italy
Jens C. Rueckert
Board Executive Member
Berlin, Germany
Andrea Coratti
Past president 2022
Grosseto, Italy
Jose Oberholzer
Past President 2021
Charlottesville, USA
Pier Cristoforo Giulianotti
Honorary President
Chicago, USA
Mehran Anvari
Honorary Executive Member
Hamilton, Canada
Sede dell'evento
Chicago Hyatt Magnificent Mile
633 North Saint Clair Street, , 60611, Chicago, Illinois , United States of America
The congress provides healthcare professionals with an invaluable opportunity to learn the latest
advances and state-of-the-art technologies in robotic general surgery.
Before registering as a non-member, consider joining the CRSA.
Registration cost remains the same as a non-member, yet you will be able to join and access
more than 3,400 video cases and presentations currently available in our online library to CRSA
Registration Fees include:
Admission to all educational sessions, refreshments,
lunch and exhibition on the day(s) they registered
Congress Brochure
Admission to the social dinner (except one Day registration)
2023 CRSA annual membership for Non CRSA members
Payment Methods
Full payment of the registration fee must be made at the time of registration.
Payment can be made by:
1. Credit Card (in US Dollars): Visa or Master Card
2. Check Payment: payable to “CRSA” or “Clinical Robotic Surgery Association”
(we ask you to indicate the full name used time of registration and the chosen
membership level)
Please mail your check to:
Clinical Robotic Surgery Association
Two Prudential Plaza |180 North Stetson, Suite 3500|Chicago IL 6060